Rest in natural great peace
This exhausted mind
Beaten helplessly by karma and neurotic thought
Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves
in the infinite ocean of samsara

-Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche

*Due to Covid-19, our program schedule has changed.  Please see the Calendar for our current schedule of practices.

Guru Rinpoche Days & Dakini Days (Tsog): (These pujas are currently being held live at ODD and are not broadcast on Zoom.) On the 10th and 25th days of the Lunar calendar, the sangha gathers to renew our samaya commitments through meditation on Guru Rinpoche and Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal. All are welcome to join these practices from the Dudjom Tersar. Beginners are encouraged to learn through participation of these Vajrayana pujas. Please bring food or drink to share.

Vajrasattva Practices: Ka Ter Vajrasattva (led by Lama Les Collins) and Kunzang Nyima Vajrasattva (led by Ila Reitz.)  Please check ODD’s calendar to confirm dates and times.  Beginners are encouraged to learn through participation of these Vajrayana pujas. All are welcomed!

Natural Liberation: Meditation Based on the Six Bardos: Taught by Lama Les Collins on the first Wednesday of every month. See Calendar for details. This video, Natural Liberation, may be viewed and used as an adjunct to Lama Les’ class.

Life Release led by Lama Drimed:  Lama Drimed leads the Buddhist practice of life release, or saving the lives of animals who were previously designated to be slaughtered. This practice is an active means of cultivating compassion and generosity.  If you would like to participate, please click here for monthly updates.

Chod Study and Practice of Troma Nagmo: Beginning and advanced students of chod are invited to ongoing practice and study sessions focused on the Troma Nagmo cycle of Dudjom Lingpa, authorized by Sangye Khandro and Gyatrul Rinpoche and led by Julie Rogers. There will be time for discussion, questions and answers. During the coming months, in addition to practicing Troma ngondro and the various feasts, DVD teachings by chod masters will be shown. The group will also gather to learn torma making on dates when the concise sadhana is practiced. The texts needed for these sessions are: the Troma Ngondro, The Four Feasts, and the Concise Sadhana arranged by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, titled ‘The Quintessential Accomplishment in Accordance with the Lineage of the Vajra Essence’. All are available online from Light of Berotsana bring your texts, instruments (bell, dorje, drum and kangling) if you have them, and healthy food and drink for tsogs when we practice the sadhana. There is no charge to attend and one is not required to have received the empowerment. Donations to ODD are welcomed. For further info, please email