White Tara is well-known as the peaceful, healing mother who purifies and averts illness, plagues, afflictions, negativity of all sorts, fear, obscuration, and habitual patterns. By practicing the sadhana of White Tara and invoking her blessings, the benefits include longevity, vitality, and the prevention of untimely death.
In this short teaching and practice retreat, Sangye Khandro and Lama Chonam will explain and lead the practices for learning how to engage in White Tara retreat practice and how to practice daily.
Having received empowerment and reading transmission (wang and lung) is encouraged but not mandatory to attend.
Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro are pleased to lead an intensive two-day White Tara practice retreat with teachings at Yeshe Nyingpo Mexico, Ensenada, Mexico.
Click here for more information.