In a series of monthly talks, Scott Globus, a senior disciple of the Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche will give an overview of the practices at Orgyen Dorje Den. Scott will provide some background on the practices, their history, significance, and unique qualities and methods. He will shed some light on Vajrayana terminology and functionality, aspiring to make these powerful, transformative spiritual methods relevant and accessible to new students and inspire confidence in more experienced students.
In each 75-minute Sunday Morning gathering, Scott will give a presentation and answer questions, and we will sit quietly, meditating for two short sessions while basking in the radiance of Orgyen Dorje Den’s sacred shrine room.
At Orgyen Dorje Den, we learn and practice Vajrayana Buddhist methods of meditation that are part of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism—more specifically, our center works with practices from the Dudjom Tersar lineage.
If you are interested in Vajrayana Buddhism, this is a good event to attend. Please join us!