Students of Chod and particularly the Dudjom lineage are invited to attend ongoing online sessions via Zoom focused on the Troma Nagmo cycle of Dudjom Lingpa. One must have received the Dudjom lineage Troma Nagmo empowerment or that of another chod lineage to attend. The group alternates between practicing the Troma ngondro, the various feasts, and the Concise Sadhana. The study is also involved during most sessions, and time is allotted for questions and answers.
Please have the appropriate texts available from Light of Berotsana: Troma Nagmo Ngondro and Phowa, Troma Nagmo Feasts of Troma. and the Troma Nagmo Concise Sadhana (The Quintessential Accomplishment in Accordance with the Lineage of the Vajra Essence, compiled by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche.) Traditional chod instruments are used during every session (bell, dorje, chod drum, and kangling). Please have them with you if it’s appropriate in your situation.
There is no charge to attend, and offerings are optional. Once signed up for this class, you will receive links before each session. For more information and to register, email Julie Rogers at julmind108@gmail.com, and you will receive a schedule. Please include information about having received empowerment from a qualified lama. Thank you.
The Director of TLC Transitional Life Care, a Vajrayana Buddhist end-of-life education and support program, Julie Rogers, leads these sessions and has been a student of Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche since 1983. Gyatul Rinpoche authorized her to lead this program. She began training in chod with Sangye Khandro and other esteemed masters and lamas in 1984, and for many years served as the Troma omzed at Gyatrul Rinpoche’s center, Tashi Choling, in southern Oregon. Julie facilitated a Troma study and practice group for several years at Dechen Ling in Ashland, OR, and omzeds for “in person” chod practices at Orgyen Dorje Den – stay tuned for future updates.